The challenge
To promote their new and improved Lip Lingerie XXL range – a range of vegan, liquid lipsticks – NYX Professional Makeup wanted to implement an AR experience as part of its marketing campaign.
The target audience for the campaign were Generation Z consumers looking for more diverse and inclusive beauty products. The Lip Lingerie XXL range comes in 25 different colour shades to complement different skin tones, meeting Generation Z’s tastes.
Furthermore, NYX Professional Makeup wanted the AR experience to showcase the product quality improvements compared to the original Lip Lingerie range, which was the first accessible liquid lipstick range in the beauty market. This included the appearance of fuller lips and a smooth matte finish with no cracks.
Poplar Studio’s approach
NYX Professional Makeup commissioned two AR virtual try-on experiences: the ‘Slidescreen’ experience for Instagram only, and the ‘Interactive’ experience for Instagram and Snapchat.
For the ‘Slidescreen’ virtual try-on experience, Instagram users could also try different lipstick shades but were additionally given access to a slider that split their screens in two halves. This allowed each user to simultaneously compare their natural look (on the left-hand side) to the new look with the virtually applied lipstick (on the right-hand side). The user could also move the slider all the way across the screen to complete their beautified transformation.

In the ‘Interactive’ virtual try-on experience, Instagram and Snapchat users were presented with a screen where they appeared surrounded by a circle of five 3D lipsticks from the Lip Lingerie XXL range. Each user could rotate the circle of lipsticks, allowing them to tap on each lipstick shade to try it on their lips.
Once the selected lipstick was virtually applied, the user was then greeted with a fun background effect that reflected the personality of the selected lipstick. For instance, trying-on the ‘peach flirt’ lipstick shade would result in AR peaches floating in the user’s background.

COMPANY: Poplar Studio