VR Educational Solution Overview
The Xennial Digital Virtual Reality (XDVR) Learning Portal is a STEM-based library of educational experiences. The objective of the XDVR Learning Portal is to deliver experiences that support, enhance and align to STEM curriculum for K-12 schools.
Our current VR learning experiences cover Physics, Biology, Math, Anatomy and Chemistry, with a host of new experiences under development.
The VR learning experiences are designed and developed in close collaboration with teachers/professors who are experts in the subject matter.
School Challenges
Today’s schools face the following challenges:
– Lack of student engagement
– High cost of physical materials and labs
– Risk associated to experiments in the classroom (i.e. chemistry)
– Students easily distracted
– Lack of room + lab capacity
The XDVR Learning Portal addresses these challenges
– Increases student engagement & educational outcomes
– VR Labs are more cost-effective than Physical Labs
– Lab and learning experiences without risk
– Focused learning, zero distraction
– No space limitations
VR Learning Experiences included in current version
Optical Table (Snell’s Law)
This Physics experience allows students to perform experiments with the phenomenon of refraction and reflection of light.
– Experiments performed on an optics table
– Selection of different sets of glasses and lenses for light refraction and reflection
– Selection of one and three laser beams
– Ability to rotate glasses/lenses and lasers in 15 degree angles
Light and Object Refraction in Liquids (Snell’s Law)
This Physics experience allows students to perform experiments with the phenomenon of refraction and reflection of light on liquids, by using a massive pool.
– Three options of liquids
– Visualizing light originating from below a liquid
– Observing the angle at which light exits the liquid
– Observe a stick-like object out of the water
– Elevator platform that moves up/down to help student view experiments from different angles
Single Doppler Effect
This Physics experience immerses students into a VR train station where they can navigate around to experience the Doppler Effect, the phenomenon that occurs when the frequency of sound changes because of motion of either the sound source or the observer.
– Ability to move around the train station
– Digital screens to see formulas and results from experiments
– Ability to change frequency (Hz) to three different levels
– Ability to change train speed
– Ability to view train and Doppler Effect in slow motion
Fungi World
This Biology experience allows students to navigate through a forest to explore, discover and learn about the different families of fungi and the environments in which they grow.
– Six different families of fungi
– Learn vocabulary for each family
– Nutrition cycles
– Reproduction cycles
Echolocation (Doppler Effect in Animals)
This Physics experience takes students into a VR cave where they can navigate around and view how bats use echolocation to navigate in their environments.
– Ability to move around the bat cave
– Flashlight button
– Button for viewing echolocation waves emitted by bats
– Infrared mode
– Slow motion effect to view bats up close
Double Doppler Effect (Submarine Experience)
This Physics experience takes students into a submarine where they emit sounds at different Hz, watch the wave bounce off an object and record the shifted frequency visible in the sonar view, calculate the velocity of the object, and determine if it is moving toward the submarine or away from it.
– This is the third of a 3-part virtual learning experience that helps students visualize different applications of the Double Doppler Effect
– To apply the equations of Doppler Effect (source stationary, observer moving) to predict the speed of the observer
– To explore real-life applications of a scientific concept
Chemistry Lab
This Chemistry experience takes students into a Chemistry Lab where they can experience mixing different types of metals, solutions and other elements. The experience includes 4 different activities.
– To explore the reactions of metals with metal ions in diverse solutions
– To practice recognizing the signs of a chemical reaction
– To practice balancing chemical reactions
– To practice the full Periodic Table
Circuits and Ohm’s Law
This Physics experience takes students into a Serial Circuit Board Lab where they have access to different types of batteries, components and activities to run experiments.
– To experiment with different elements of a circuit (i.e. power supply/battery, resistors, light bulb, multimeter) in a unique and safe way
– To practice assembling different circuits and exploring the effect of wiring in series
– To practice using a multimeter to measure voltage, current, and resistance
Fetal Pig Dissection
This Biology/Anatomy experience takes students into a Lab where they have to follow voice-guided, step-bystep instructions to prepare for a fetal pig dissection. The main objective of this experience is to help students:
– Familiarize themselves with the proper procedure required for a fetal pig dissection (training exercise before performing the dissection with a real sample)
– For students to understand and practice proper lab safety procedures
This Biology experience takes students into a Lab where they can manipulate various controls to learn how diseases impact the heart. This experience helps students:
– Visualize a healthy, normal functioning heart at any heart rate
– Observe the differences between various heart abnormalities and cardiovascular diseases
– Rotate the heart by using the “hands”
– View vocabulary to learn about the different parts of the heart
Molecule Builder
This Chemistry experience enables students to bond different atoms together to build 3D molecules, then check if they did so correctly. This experience helps students:
– Determine how atoms in a molecule bond
– Determine the geometric shape of the molecule
– Determine the polarity of the intermolecular bonds and the overall polarity of the molecule
Kinetic/Potential Energy
This Math experience takes students into a Skate Park where they learn about kinetic and potential energy. This experience helps students:
– Learn the relationships between kinetic, potential, heat and total energy
– Recognize that the total energy of a system doesn’t change – energy cannot be created or destroyed
– See how mass and friction affect the energy in a system
Parabolic (Projectile) Motion
This Physics experience takes students into a Circus, where they learn how to adjust the launch velocity and launch angle, as well as how to move the safety mat, so the human cannonball can land safely on it. This experience helps students:
– Visualize the concept of projectile motion by observing someone being shot out of a cannon
– Quantitatively understand the relationship of launch velocity and launch angle with how far an object travels
STUDIO: Xennial Digital