By Tom Carter
Mid-air haptics – virtual, tactile sensations projected onto the hands – have opened up huge opportunities for the way we engage with technology. We have already demonstrated that the future is one focused on human technology and natural interaction. Today we set out what’s next on the journey.
Leaders in mid-air haptics
We create virtual touch. This means users can “feel” and interact with virtual objects and controls. Our unique algorithms and cutting-edge hardware project ultrasound-based tactile sensations in mid-air. This makes our hands the ultimate tool, removing the boundaries between physical and virtual environments, and enabling truly natural interaction.
At Ultraleap we’re proud to have led this transition, pioneering the use of mid-air haptics around the world. We’ve worked with some of the most innovative brands on the planet, introducing virtual touch in digital and real-world environments.
In automotive, DS Automobiles have implemented our technology to remove the need for touchscreens and physical buttons in their DS Aero Sport Lounge concept car for a maximum luxury look and feel.
Continue reading here: A Future You Can Reach Out and Touch